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Taking Two Different Forms of CBD Together: Should You Do It?

Types of CBD

For anyone who is taking CBD daily, you’ve probably put a lot of effort into coming up with the perfect routine by choosing the proper milligram strength, the right type of hemp extract and the delivery method that best suits your needs. 


What Happens When You Combine CBD Products?

A lot of people ask us whether or not it’s safe to take two different CBD products at once.  Now, of course, everyone’s body responds to hemp differently.  However, what we can tell you is that due to the nontoxic nature of hemp, people can take large doses on a daily basis.  So, taking standard doses of two different CBD products shouldn’t be an issue.

Of course, the main reason to double up on hemp products is to enjoy the unique effects that each type of delivery method has to offer.  As we know, each delivery method affects the body in its own way.  For instance, using a CBD topical targets a specific area of the body, and acts very quickly.  Meanwhile, taking a CBD edible allows a more subtle but widespread hemp experience that can last for hours at a time.

Because each CBD delivery method has its own absorption rate, it’s likely that taking two CBD products at once will not cause all of those properties to peak at the same time.  For example, if you use a CBD tincture and an edible at the same time, the tincture can peak within thirty minutes and start to wear off just as the edible is beginning to be released into the bloodstream.

How to Combine CBD Products Properly for the Best Results

So, how can you properly take two CBD products together for the best results?  Allow us to share some tips.

Tip #1: Quality is Everything

The first thing to keep in mind is that no matter what, your CBD experience is only going to be as good as the quality of the products themselves.  Taking two cheap, low-quality hemp goods at once will not give you an ideal CBD experience no matter which types of delivery methods you use.

Tip #2: Be Aware of the Milligram Strengths

Of course, one thing that determines how you’ll feel after taking two different forms of CBD is the milligram strength of each.  The potency levels of each product will determine just how strong your overall CBD experience will be.

Tip #3: Time Your Products Properly

Another thing to bear in mind is that timing is everything when mixing CBD delivery methods.  As we said, each type of CBD product has its own absorption rate.  If you’re trying to really finetune your hemp experience, it’s wise to pay attention to how long it takes for each delivery method to peak in your system.  This way, you can take each product at the right time to ensure that the compounds activate when you want them to. 

Example: If you’re taking your CBD at bedtime as a way to unwind, you can consider taking a tincture right before hitting the sack, and an edible as well.  This way, by the time the tincture wears off, the CBD edible will be getting to work while you’re asleep.

Twice the CBD Bliss

If you want to take two different CBD products at one time, there are a few things that you should keep in mind before doing so in order to ensure the best possible results.  Use this guide to go about it properly so that you can have as positive of a CBD experience as possible.

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Cooking Up Something in the Kitchen with CBD

CBD Cooking

As CBD becomes more widely used, it’s not surprising that people are getting creative with their hemp hobby.  To our delight, we’re finding that a lot of our customers are buying CBD oil in order to create culinary masterpieces that are infused with the fascinating compounds native to hemp.  This allows people to enjoy two hobbies at once – CBD, and the culinary arts. 

If you’re feeling particularly adventurous in the kitchen, we suggest that you consider experimenting with CBD.  Cooking with CBD can be a highly rewarding experience as it allows you to enjoy the powers of hemp while also trying out a new type of cuisine.

What to Know About Cooking with CBD

Before you get started, there are some things that you need to know.  For better or worse, there’s a pretty strict science when it comes to cooking with CBD.  But, luckily for you, we’re going to try to explain everything that you need to know in this simple guide below.

It Can’t Be Applied to Any Type of Food

First, you have to know that CBD oil can’t just be poured into any old recipe.  CBD oil is considered a fat, because it’s oil-based.  So, it can only be used in foods that require a certain amount of fat.  For example, CBD oil does not blend well with water, so trying to make a batch of lemon ice pops with CBD oil is not going to work.  However, foods that require an amount of fat can work well, such as cookies, salad dressings and meat marinades.  Basically, you’re replacing a certain amount of fat with CBD oil when cooking with CBD.

Pure CBD Oil or CBD Oil Mixed with a Safe-to-Ingest Carrier Oil is Crucial

You also can’t just add any type of CBD product to a recipe.  It’s important that it’s pure and safe to ingest.  Pure CBD oil is the best as it contains nothing but hemp extract, although it’s okay to use CBD products that consist of hemp oil and a carrier oil that’s safe to consume, such as coconut oil, olive oil or hempseed oil.

Be Wary of the Temperature

CBD contains delicate chemical compounds that must be exposed to the right temperature in order to remain stable.  Too much heat causes those compounds to break down and become basically useless due to a loss of potency.  And, what’s the point of consuming CBD if its compounds are no longer capable of working? 

As a rule of thumb, CBD oil should never be heated beyond 356 degrees Fahrenheit.  Once it surpasses this temperature, it begins to lose potency at a rapid pace, making it basically useless.  So, adjust your recipe if need be so that it stays below this temperature.

Go with Decarboxylated CBD

Decarboxylated CBD is CBD that has already had its compounds activated by way of heat exposure.  This allows the CBD compounds to be quickly and thoroughly bioavailable.  Cooking with CBD that hasn’t been decarboxylated is a lot like cooking with raw cannabis plant material.  If it’s not heated to the right temperature, its compounds won’t really do anything.  So, decarboxylated, in most cases, is the easier way to go as you don’t have to worry about reaching the right temperature in order for its compounds to become activated.

Find Recipes Online

If you’re just getting started, we suggest first looking for recipes online.  This way, you’ll be able to follow someone else’s recipe that’s been proven to be successful, rather than having to play a guessing game.  And, with CBD being as popular as it is, you’ll have no trouble finding a wide variety of exciting recipes to choose from.

Don’t Overcomplicate Things

In the beginning, keep things simple by making recipes that don’t require too much time, effort or ingredients.  This way, you’ll be less likely to end up with a disaster.  If you’re not an experienced cook or baker, try to go with something very basic like a CBD salad dressing, as this only requires a couple of ingredients.

Know How to Dose Your Food Properly

Next, know how to dose each portion properly by using basic math.  Think about how many milligrams of CBD you wish to consume per portion, and then multiply that by the number of portions you plan to make.  The number you end up with is how much CBD you should add to your recipe.

Only Make as Much as You’ll Realistically Consume Within a Few Days

Remember that food products break down fairly quickly, so don’t make more CBD-infused goodies than you can realistically eat in a matter of a couple of days.

Stick with Quality CBD, Always!

Lastly, always go for quality when it comes to CBD oil.  The higher the quality, the better your experience will be, and the better the quality of the finished product will be.  Cheap CBD is cheap for a reason, so always opt for the good stuff.

Cooking with CBD Can Be an Extremely Fulfilling Hobby…

And, may even turn into something lucrative down the road.  Turning your CBD hobby into a culinary passion is a great way to express your creativity while doing your body good.  But, before getting started, read this guide thoroughly in order to go about things in the right manner and end up with a product that satisfies those hemp-related needs.